Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Introduction to Me

I am a wife of 28 years, a mother of three daughters, a grandmother of 2 wonderful grandchildren, and a conservative, right-wing, outspoken, hardheaded, loving, caring Christian, All American Woman. My youngest daughter is 21 and is a medic in the Army. She has been in the military for 3+ years, has served a year in Iraq, and is a Sergeant who just signed her re-enlistment papers. I have been blogging on MySpace for several months now and decided to expand.

I do like President Bush. I don't agree with everything President Bush has done (ex. illegal immigration, and the federal handling of Hurricane Katrina), but I believe that he does pray about his decisions and tries to make the best decisions he can. I believe that the national media is our enemy. Why do they only show us negative things? There are some really great things that our military has done overseas but no one knows unless they get their info from the web. My aunt, her two daughters, and two of my close friends all graduated with degrees in journalism. All of them will tell you just how slanted they were taught and how jaded their professors were. Most American professors (at least in journalism) are atheists. How can anyone not believe in God? I don't think my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather crawled out of the ocean. Evolution is a theory that has never been proven.
I believe that life begins at conception. It is a gift as are each of our children. How can we, as Americans, allow millions of babies to be murdered each year? I think we will be judged for that and I believe it is the American Holocaust. If you don't want to have a child, practice safe sex and use birth control.

I believe in the Bible. That it is God's holy word and that it has survived in order to teach us right from wrong. I don't think any one particular Christian religion is any better than another. The differences between them are the rules that man made in later years and that those religions follow today.

I believe that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and our forefathers used the Ten Commandments to assist them in writing the laws of the land. I believe that we have been so fortunate to live in this great country because we have always believed "In God We Trust". I think that as we take God out of our country, we leave a void that Satan will fill. Just as he has filled the void in public schools, where children once prayed at the beginning of each day. I went to public school here in the deep south. During my time in school, prayer was taken away. In its place came rampant teenage sex, use of drugs, and kids that had no respect for authority.

I don't know if going into Iraq the way we did was the best thing. I do know that almost every government figure around the world believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and you can find evidence that aside from world leaders, Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Biden and most of the other left wing libertards believed and stated that in front of the cameras before Bush was ever in office. We can't really know what the intelligence services knew nor what they told our politicians. There are some things the public can't be told because it would not be beneficial for us to know. Because then all our enemies would know too. And because as a society, we are too soft to hear it all. I believe that we underestimated the number and determination of the terrorists. I believe if we were going to go into Iraq to free them, we should have had more ground forces and we should not have restricted our ground forces as much as we did. I can't believe that our troops were ordered not to capture the Iranians that were there to fight us. What was that all about? I believe that we shouldn't have to abide by the Geneva Convention Rules if our enemy is not abiding by the same set of rules. What if your favorite football team had one strict set of rules but the team they were playing didn't have any rules? Would that be a fair football game?

I believe that cutting taxes stimulates growth of our economy. Have you read how well our country is doing financially? Our unemployment rate is extremely low, the Dow is over 12,500, and the average wage has increased substantially. The deficit has gone down. These are all undisputed facts but no one on TV is talking about them. Why? Because they want us to be unhappy. News people don't tell us good news, they tell us bad news. "That's what sells papers, ma'am." Old quote.

Our country is so rich, so free, so spoiled, so lucky, so blessed. That's why we are not liked by everyone, they are jealous. If I was living in China under the rules that govern them, I'd want to be an American too. Why do so many people risk their lives to get into America? Remember those illegal immigrants? It's because we are so rich.

One day when my daughter was in Iraq typing me an e-mail, she looked out the window at the village outside of Mosul. She said there was a woman, in rags with children, in rags, it was 38 degrees outside and none of them had shoes. The woman had to walk 3 miles to get water from the river to do her cooking. After my daughter had been in Iraq 6 months, our independent contractors and military had running water to those houses, and electricity. The children had clothes and shoes from the soldiers and the Red Cross. She told me, "Mom, we don't know how good we have it."

I believe with my whole heart and soul that we should share our good fortune. I never pass a homeless person without giving him a dollar. I don't know if he's homeless by choice or by chance and I don't know if he's going to buy booze with the dollar I give him. That's not up to me. What my God says is to "treat others with kindness, you never know when you are entertaining angels unaware."

I know this is rather long for a first post. I just want you to understand the kind of person I am. You don't have to be a Republican to be my friend. I don't have requirements. If my beliefs offend you, you have the freedom not to read them. My intention is not to hurt anyone. But I'm very afraid that if the silent majority, the God-fearing and God-loving people don't stand up and say "quit lying to us", we will lose the freedoms that our forefathers fought so hard to give us. Freedom is so very precious to me.

Our troops are our children, yours and mine. We can't turn our backs on them, ever. We can't let them see Jane Fonda on TV and think we don't support them. God bless our Vietnam Veterans. They did not deserve to be treated the way they were when they came home. It makes me cry. I'm afraid for our kids when they go over there. My daughter told me when she was home for R&R from Iraq, "Mom, if it's my time to go, a plane could fall out the sky onto me sitting on my couch in my living room or I could get in a car accident and die." It's a hard thought to swallow. My child being in the middle of a bunch of crazy people blowing each other up. But, you know, she's right. God calls us home when He's ready for us. We may not understand why He does, but it's not our decision, it's His. Why do children die from cancer? Why do old people have to suffer with dementia or alzheimer's? It's not something that we have power over and we can't understand it. But God uses everything for good. I don't think God causes us to get sick or hurt, but if He's not ready for us to come home, we will survive. Whatever condition we are in, He will use it for His good if we let Him.

In conclusion, we need to count our blessings, love each other a lot more, be more concerned about doing good for each other, share kindness and pray every day for our troops and our government. Pray for good decisions. Pray for strength. Pray for encouragement. Pray for good health. Pray! It's the best weapon we have.

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